Just A Few Hockey Skills Vids For No Particular Reason
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Kirk Muller - Taking Face-Offs Wendel Clark - Positioning
In The Offensive End - Getting Open Paul Maurice - Indirect Passes Geraldine Heaney - D-To-D Passing In The Neutral
Zone Adam Graves - Shooting From An Extended Reach
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Ryan Walter - Specialized
Tight Turns Drew Remenda - Playing The Puck Along The Boards Bryan Murray - Shooting To Score Rob Cookson - Circling
In The Offensive Zone Ron Davidson - The Power Of The Heel Push
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Adam Graves - Puck
Protection Brian Kilrea - Balance For Skating Larry Murray - The First Play By Defense Keith Acton - Stick-On-Stick
Defensive Coverage
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David Marcoux - 'Goal' Stopping Plays From Behind Drew
Remenda - Off-Ice Warm-Up Larry Murray - Striding Backwards Drew Remenda - Goalie Warm-Up
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Geraldine Heaney - Jumping Into The Rush Bryan Murray - Mini-Games Brian
Kilrea - Taking Face-Offs Wendel Clark - The Saucer Pass
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Rob Cookson - Defenceman
Skill - The Shake & Bake Paul Maurice - Changing On The Fly Ryan Walter - Faking Shots Ron Davidson - Shooting Dangerously
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David Marcoux - 'Goal' Playing A Breakaway Larry Murray
- Offensive Contribution Adam Graves - Screening & Tipping Wendel Clark - Shooting & Breakaways
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Bryan Murray - Creative Offense Off The Penalty Kill Kirk Muller - Set-Plays Brian
Kilrea - Skating On The Balls Of Your Feet
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Geraldine Heaney -
The Stretch Pass Ryan Walter - The 'Bure' Skating Stride Keith Acton - Angling - Learning How To Check