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George Carlin is not just part of my namesake, he's also one of the funniest satarists in history! I was fortunate to see him live in Mystic Lake Minnesota just after my 7th birthday.

George Carlin

Puppetry in America is older than the country itself, but until the beginning of the 20th century, puppet shows were rare. Puppeteers kept their art a closely guarded secret, certainly not shared with the public. In the first half of the 20th century, some puppeteers helped to lift the veil of secrecy, sharing information about their work, which lead to the formation of the Puppeteers of America in 1937. Today, almost three quarters of a century onward, puppets hold a place in the public's heart that is rivaled by few other arts. They appear on stage, in movies, on television, and now, on the Internet. The Puppeteers of America proudly presents this National Day of Puppetry each year and in 2006 it was in Southdale Minnesota, just west of Minneapolis. I was fortunate enough to again attend.

National Day Of Puppetry

Since 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation has worked to find ways for society to live in balance with the natural world that sustains us. Focusing on four program areas – oceans and sustainable fishing, climate change and clean energy, sustainability, and the Nature Challenge - the Foundation uses science and education to promote solutions that conserve nature and help achieve sustainability within a generation. Seeing him in concert at our local auditorium was one of the highlights of my young life and I proudly display my autographed David Suzuki picture in my room across from where I sleep.

David Suzuki


---------------- look below

here is me doing skating (from when I was 7 )https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ECdxx_hvcQ turn down your volume, it is loud.
