This ancient martial art has proven to be very helpful to me. The lessons I have learned, will stay with me for a lifetime,
or, perhaps longer. Here's Some TKD Vids First Highlights Of The The World Poomse Championships Olympic & Canadian
Championship Clips Follow There's Also A Few Vid Clips Of The Forms I'm Studying. These Are Here For My Own Reference,
But It Gives Some Idea, Of What I'm Studying.
2006 WTF World Poomse Championship
Gold, Silver, Bronze - Junior
Silver, Bronze - Senior
TaeKwonDo Sparring - '04 Athens Heavyweight
GoldMedal Match
'07 Canadian Senior TaeKwonDo Championships
TaeKwonDo World Championships 2007 Video
Taegeuk 1
Taegeuk 2
Taegeuk 3
Taegeuk 5
Taegeuk 6
Taegeuk 8
Sparring Rules
Fight Science Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Student's Cree #2
To build true confidence
through knowledge in the mind,
honesty in the heart,
and strength in the body.
To seek friendship with one another,
and to build a strong and happy community.
Never fight to achieve selfish ends
but to develop MIGHT for RIGHT!!!
Student's Oath
I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do
I shall respect instructors, parents, and seniors
I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do
I will build a more peaceful world
Objectives of Tae Kwon Do
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit
Some Basic Terms
Attention - Charyot
Sparring - Kyuroogi
Ready - Joonbee
Punch - Jirugi
Stance - Suhgi
Bow - Kyungrae
Block - Makgi
Kick - Chagi
Begin - Sijak
Form - Poomse
End - Koman
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Human Relations
6 Very Important Words - I admit I made a mistake
5 Very Important Words - You did a good job
4 Very Important Words - What is your opinion?
3 Very Important Words - If you please
2 Very Important Words - Thank you
1 Most Important Word - We
1 Least Important Word - I
4 Rules for Success
1 - Show Up
2 - Pay Attention
3 - Ask Questions
4 - Don't Quit
6 Steps to becoming a Better Listener
Form A L.A.D.D.E.R.
L: Look at the person speaking to you
A: Ask questions
D: Don't interrupt
D: Don't change the subject
E: Empathize
R: Respond verbally and non-verbally
Knowing what's right
doesn't mean much
unless you did what's right.
Korean Counting
One : Hanna
Two : Dool
Three : Set
Four : Net
Five : Da Sut
Six : Yeo Sut
Seven : Il Gop
Eight : Yeo Doob
Nine : Ahop
Ten : Yeol
People do not really decide their fate....
they decide their habits,
then their habits decide their fate.